The people of our nation must come together to end the political gridlock engrained within our current political landscape. Compromise should be the focus in order to solve our nation’s problems and issues of the day. Right now, that’s not happening. The perpetual tug of war between current Democrats and Republicans isn’t working for most of us in the middle, and it is spawning acts of extremism on both sides. The distance between them is too vast. They have become destructive, divisive, and exhausting. 

Imagine if we collectively pursued candidates, whether they be Republican, Democrat, or otherwise, who have a proven middle of the road approach to governing and pledge to bring our country back together through fair compromise. We, as a united people, must first compromise at the ballot box before we can expect those we elect to come together and compromise. It all starts with who we send to D.C.

Irreconcilable Differences represents a protest to the current state of political gridlock. Representation that doesn’t have an all or nothing agenda should be a given. Our mission is to put the need for compromise front and center in the politician’s conscience, as well as the voting public. Demand better by sending our politicians in D.C. a message to end the Gridlock. If they can’t come together and compromise, we must replace them with someone who will. 

model wearing irreconcilable differences tee and cap

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